Christmas made me so crazy this year in game. Early this month I decided to give all my guildies Christmas presents and started farming right after my exams were over. It took my 4 hours to completely mail everything I needed to mail to my guildies and some selected friends. ZOMG 4 hours! And that's not all, I got on my cute little gnome mage, put on the Red Winter Robes and my Green Winter Hat and played Santa Rina to strangers too! I gave away 50 wrapped up gifts to those in Shattrath. They were green gems but it's the thought that counts right?? :D I know one hunter was so happy cos he just got his first socket item and he got a gem he could use from my gift XD Makes me even happier. And I made water for people who asked, and unpick lockboxes, and cut gems, and transmute Primal Mights, and did a lot of things where people wanted to tip me and I said "It's Christmas, you don't need to tip :D" and that made them happy too! I'm just a happy camper today XD
I'm just glad Christmas is only once a year. I'd be so tired from being all excited and super hyper if it's more than once a year =P
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
It's been a while since I posted :p
I was (believe it or not) slightly busy IRL due to exams. That, and there's nothing much happening in my WoW life.... or so I think. :p
Of course my guild finally fried that slimy fish Lurker from SSC, and hopefully kick some giant's (Morogrim) ass soon too. But with Christmas around the corner we're taking a small break from raids and stuff. Sad part is after Christmas my raid time will reduce by quite a lot thanks to job hunting (or even starting work!). I'm just thankful our learning nights are on Friday nights (server) so I should probably be able to attend 90% of the time.
On a side note about my druid... with self buffs she has 14k health and 44% dodge! Like ZOMG! And that's without jeopardizing much of my 75% physical damage reduction cap! I'm at like 79.42% with the new combination of gear. I'm like super happy right now :D I'm thinking about getting the +15 agi to gloves enchant instead of my +15 strength enchant for more dodge (vs more threat) but I'm still iffy on it. And the best part is I don't need to PVP for the Vindicator boots cos of the almost capped physical damage reduction. I might spend 20 badges to get the idol from badge rewards which gives every mangle a chance to gain 65 agility or something similar. According to Iwamori it procs about 80% of the time so I might try it out. As of now, I really have no idea how I can better my tanking gear on my druid. I 'think' I got everything I can possibly have in terms of tanking at where we stand in terms of progression. I probably need to research if losing the 1400 armor from T4 bonus is worth the trade for S3 items (which gives more stamina) but I'd also lose the base armor from trading T4 with S3 armor (S3 has less base armor but more stamina). Tough call. And I'm not going to resocket my gems to +12 stamina gems either cos I kinda need the +hit for threat generation I think. Hmmm... Need to check on that too... would be nice to have 15k self buffed health I guess. =/ Headache! I'll stop thinking here :p But if you have comments and/or suggestion on how to better my tanking gear do tell! I'm open to suggestions!
My current gear (from the top of my head which I can remember):
Helm - T4
Neck - Maiden
Shoulders - T5
Back - 2.3 badge reward
Chest - T4
Bracers - Vindicator PVP
Gloves - T4
Belt - 2.3 badge reward
Leggings - T4
Boots - Lurker (lots of stam and agi! and I actually bid on it for fun not thinking it'll help in tanking)
Rings - Violet Signet & Mag head reward
Trinkets - Dawnstone Crab & Moroes Pocket Watch
Now that I wrote that down, I probably could work on getting a different trinket but that would also mean either I lose 32 defense from the crab, or my 'oh shit' button (the pocket watch - increases my dodge by a lot, not to mention it has huge dodge ratings on it to begin with). I wish I could equip 4 trinkets right now :p
Of course my guild finally fried that slimy fish Lurker from SSC, and hopefully kick some giant's (Morogrim) ass soon too. But with Christmas around the corner we're taking a small break from raids and stuff. Sad part is after Christmas my raid time will reduce by quite a lot thanks to job hunting (or even starting work!). I'm just thankful our learning nights are on Friday nights (server) so I should probably be able to attend 90% of the time.
On a side note about my druid... with self buffs she has 14k health and 44% dodge! Like ZOMG! And that's without jeopardizing much of my 75% physical damage reduction cap! I'm at like 79.42% with the new combination of gear. I'm like super happy right now :D I'm thinking about getting the +15 agi to gloves enchant instead of my +15 strength enchant for more dodge (vs more threat) but I'm still iffy on it. And the best part is I don't need to PVP for the Vindicator boots cos of the almost capped physical damage reduction. I might spend 20 badges to get the idol from badge rewards which gives every mangle a chance to gain 65 agility or something similar. According to Iwamori it procs about 80% of the time so I might try it out. As of now, I really have no idea how I can better my tanking gear on my druid. I 'think' I got everything I can possibly have in terms of tanking at where we stand in terms of progression. I probably need to research if losing the 1400 armor from T4 bonus is worth the trade for S3 items (which gives more stamina) but I'd also lose the base armor from trading T4 with S3 armor (S3 has less base armor but more stamina). Tough call. And I'm not going to resocket my gems to +12 stamina gems either cos I kinda need the +hit for threat generation I think. Hmmm... Need to check on that too... would be nice to have 15k self buffed health I guess. =/ Headache! I'll stop thinking here :p But if you have comments and/or suggestion on how to better my tanking gear do tell! I'm open to suggestions!
My current gear (from the top of my head which I can remember):
Helm - T4
Neck - Maiden
Shoulders - T5
Back - 2.3 badge reward
Chest - T4
Bracers - Vindicator PVP
Gloves - T4
Belt - 2.3 badge reward
Leggings - T4
Boots - Lurker (lots of stam and agi! and I actually bid on it for fun not thinking it'll help in tanking)
Rings - Violet Signet & Mag head reward
Trinkets - Dawnstone Crab & Moroes Pocket Watch
Now that I wrote that down, I probably could work on getting a different trinket but that would also mean either I lose 32 defense from the crab, or my 'oh shit' button (the pocket watch - increases my dodge by a lot, not to mention it has huge dodge ratings on it to begin with). I wish I could equip 4 trinkets right now :p
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The loot whore strikes back yet again!
Remember how I told you I love love love love my pally a lot? Well Team Aggro needed a healer last night and I was torn between bringing my pally, or respeccing Stryphe to resto. I don't mind either, but I figured since Tman was already on his pally, having a druid would be cool too for the HoTs. Stryphe needed the badges, and Clydoss needed the rep and any epics no one wanted to boost my healing just in case they need me to heal in the future. Verdict? Tman talked me into bringing Clydoss to Kara, so I did. And the results?
Justicar Diadem
Justicar Gloves
Dragon-Quake Shoulderguards
Ribbon of Sacrifice
Legplates of the Innocent
King's Defender
Am I happy? LIKE HELL YEAH! But I felt sooooo bad. Especially regarding the T4 helm because Tman could have used it for his defense set. I was like pratically screaming on vent for them not to give it to me. Sigh.... it was 2nd and Tman and Madmatt both rolled a 71 for it, and then rerolled. I thought the roll was already done so for fun, I did a /roll and got a 100 (1-100). It was just for fun showing them I pwn them but they went and gave me the helm. +_+ I should not have rolled =/ Stupid stupid stupid. Already got 5 epics.... felt so bad :( I went to 2 Karazhan runs with Team Aggro and already got geared up so well. With enchants and better gems (waiting for gems to be available on the AH), I'll hit 1600 +healing. And I only hit 70 like... maybe 1 month ago max? o.O Crazy!
But the funniest thing would be that I accidentally pulled a group of mobs while heading to the opera and said "shit" on vent, and bubbled myself and they made a huge thing over it o.O Apparently I've never said that on vent before. ROFL. There goes my 'good girl' image =(
I still feel bad...
Justicar Diadem
Justicar Gloves
Dragon-Quake Shoulderguards
Ribbon of Sacrifice
Legplates of the Innocent
King's Defender
Am I happy? LIKE HELL YEAH! But I felt sooooo bad. Especially regarding the T4 helm because Tman could have used it for his defense set. I was like pratically screaming on vent for them not to give it to me. Sigh.... it was 2nd and Tman and Madmatt both rolled a 71 for it, and then rerolled. I thought the roll was already done so for fun, I did a /roll and got a 100 (1-100). It was just for fun showing them I pwn them but they went and gave me the helm. +_+ I should not have rolled =/ Stupid stupid stupid. Already got 5 epics.... felt so bad :( I went to 2 Karazhan runs with Team Aggro and already got geared up so well. With enchants and better gems (waiting for gems to be available on the AH), I'll hit 1600 +healing. And I only hit 70 like... maybe 1 month ago max? o.O Crazy!
But the funniest thing would be that I accidentally pulled a group of mobs while heading to the opera and said "shit" on vent, and bubbled myself and they made a huge thing over it o.O Apparently I've never said that on vent before. ROFL. There goes my 'good girl' image =(
I still feel bad...
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Wildfury Greatstaff
It's the 2nd best druid tanking weapon in game. And I got it. XD XD XD So darn happy and more than willing to spend my 30 DKP on it. The even greater part is how 1 minute later the same staff dropped again and Amavane got it for 10 DKP! The Blizzard gods must be looking over us last night..... at least till we reached Lurker cos the freaking Guardians freaking bugged out on us TWICE during our last 3 attempts!! Damn I hate them so much. Next week the fishie dies. A cat needs her baked fish.
It's the 2nd best druid tanking weapon in game. And I got it. XD XD XD So darn happy and more than willing to spend my 30 DKP on it. The even greater part is how 1 minute later the same staff dropped again and Amavane got it for 10 DKP! The Blizzard gods must be looking over us last night..... at least till we reached Lurker cos the freaking Guardians freaking bugged out on us TWICE during our last 3 attempts!! Damn I hate them so much. Next week the fishie dies. A cat needs her baked fish.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
WoW Web Stats
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Pally loving
Seriously whoever said Paladin healers are boring.... that means you Celiane.... you're totally WRONG! Damn I love my paladin so much. I healed Kara with Team Aggro earlier this week cos Tamon was not available, and I healed heroic ramparts the other night too with Asok, Amavane, Madmatt and Tman (on his hunter) in the quest to get a primal nether for Tman's hunter. Granted, most of them are so well geared that probably that's the reason why healing is made easier for me. But I'm happy :D I don't know why but I've always loved healing ^_^ After that I had to say farewell cos I was needed in Zul'Aman so I couldn't join them in heroic botanica. Sigh.... oh well. Good learning experience in Zul'Aman... I don't really enjoy the place that much though I prefer Karazhan a lot more.
Loving my paladin so much, and seeing how well I pew pew on my shaman got me wondering if I want to go resto on my shaman. My other option is to stay elemental and to make a priest who will be my holy priest. =/ This is so hard to decide. I think I would prefer a priest more than a shaman now that I look at the mechanics of healing but priest has close to zero survivability, unlike paladins. Did I mention I love pally healing? They so freaking rock ok? Bubble, hammer of justice, lots of shit! LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!
Don't hesitate to look up for Clydoss if ya need some healz :D Chances are I'd take the offer if I'm not already busy in another instance (or have RL issues to attend to).
Seriously whoever said Paladin healers are boring.... that means you Celiane.... you're totally WRONG! Damn I love my paladin so much. I healed Kara with Team Aggro earlier this week cos Tamon was not available, and I healed heroic ramparts the other night too with Asok, Amavane, Madmatt and Tman (on his hunter) in the quest to get a primal nether for Tman's hunter. Granted, most of them are so well geared that probably that's the reason why healing is made easier for me. But I'm happy :D I don't know why but I've always loved healing ^_^ After that I had to say farewell cos I was needed in Zul'Aman so I couldn't join them in heroic botanica. Sigh.... oh well. Good learning experience in Zul'Aman... I don't really enjoy the place that much though I prefer Karazhan a lot more.
Loving my paladin so much, and seeing how well I pew pew on my shaman got me wondering if I want to go resto on my shaman. My other option is to stay elemental and to make a priest who will be my holy priest. =/ This is so hard to decide. I think I would prefer a priest more than a shaman now that I look at the mechanics of healing but priest has close to zero survivability, unlike paladins. Did I mention I love pally healing? They so freaking rock ok? Bubble, hammer of justice, lots of shit! LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!
Don't hesitate to look up for Clydoss if ya need some healz :D Chances are I'd take the offer if I'm not already busy in another instance (or have RL issues to attend to).
Monday, November 19, 2007
New Meta Gem Cuts
Go go Consortium exalted! This gem cut was available quite a while ago but I forgot to update lol.
Relentless Earthstorm Diamond (+12 Agility & 3% Increased Critical Damage)
And I spent 2 hours farming nagas for this new baby in patch 2.3
Chaotic Skyfire Diamond (+12 Spell Critical & 3% Increased Critical Damage)
Other gem cuts available at Lase's WoW Professions of course. And I know I have more professions like Engineering on my Hunter or Blacksmithing on my Pally but I've just not gotten to screen capture all of them XD Too much time spent playing the game sadly. LOL.
Relentless Earthstorm Diamond (+12 Agility & 3% Increased Critical Damage)
And I spent 2 hours farming nagas for this new baby in patch 2.3
Chaotic Skyfire Diamond (+12 Spell Critical & 3% Increased Critical Damage)
Other gem cuts available at Lase's WoW Professions of course. And I know I have more professions like Engineering on my Hunter or Blacksmithing on my Pally but I've just not gotten to screen capture all of them XD Too much time spent playing the game sadly. LOL.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Couple of updates
I know I didn't update my blog for quite a while. Don't blame me. +_+ Blame Blizzard for not having maintenance last week XD I was stuck in game so no update. Lol but I'm updating now cos patch 2.3 is incoming~!!!!
GotN pwned Magtheridon
Remember this post? Well the bantha-come-jabba-come-rancor is DEAD! Two weeks ago, we finally got a good night for a fresh raid, and pwned him.... big time. I'm just glad no one recorded vent cos I think I said "I love you guys" about 10 times at least =_=
And the loot whore strikes again! Spent all my 67 DKP I had for the T4 chest (40 DKP) and Mag's head (27 DKP) which gave this nice ring as the quest reward. Now I can use my T5 shoulders!!! XD XD XD And I've gotten lovely BoP jewelcrafted gems for myself too. The +18 stam and +12 defense ones. Sexay!
I honestly didn't expect to win both. I wanted the chest more than the ring but bids for the ring was done first, and I knew I wanted to spend 40 for the chest and 27 for the ring. After winning the ring I wondered if I should pass on the chest.... I decided not to, cos I really want the chest more than anything. And I won. So ummmm... yeah loot whore =( I just spent what I was willing to spend, not my fault no one wants to spend more, right? Right? *comforts self* LOOT WHORE!!!! =/ Lol.
Kill shot, and flock of GotN peeps covering Mag's head.


Doom Lord Kazzak steps on bear poo
I've never ever fought Kazzak in the old world. Only thing I knew about him was Cipher got his sweeeeeeet rogue mace from Kazzak, and was first on server to have it.... I think. Pretty simple fight if you have the DPS, and if people follow instructions (to use HS and pots). What I prefer to highlight is.... I MAIN TANKED KAZZAK!!!! ROAR!!!! Only bad thing about Kazzak was, as a bear I can't use any potions when he enrages. That means I rely solely on healers. We wiped 3 times I think, then finally got him. The funniest thing was.... when we got him, I frenzied regeneration right as he enraged, and used my Moroes Pocket Watch for the dodges. And miraculously I only got melee hit by him once, resisted 2-3 shadow volleys, and basically.... lived without seeing my health go below 50%. But I did see a lot of overhealing which I frankly don't mind. =D So I'm hap-pee! No kill shot cos I didn't know my guildies went and took a group photo =(
Now all I need is a group with 3 holy priests and 6 shadow priests to tank Nightbane.... +_+
GotN pwned Magtheridon
Remember this post? Well the bantha-come-jabba-come-rancor is DEAD! Two weeks ago, we finally got a good night for a fresh raid, and pwned him.... big time. I'm just glad no one recorded vent cos I think I said "I love you guys" about 10 times at least =_=
And the loot whore strikes again! Spent all my 67 DKP I had for the T4 chest (40 DKP) and Mag's head (27 DKP) which gave this nice ring as the quest reward. Now I can use my T5 shoulders!!! XD XD XD And I've gotten lovely BoP jewelcrafted gems for myself too. The +18 stam and +12 defense ones. Sexay!
I honestly didn't expect to win both. I wanted the chest more than the ring but bids for the ring was done first, and I knew I wanted to spend 40 for the chest and 27 for the ring. After winning the ring I wondered if I should pass on the chest.... I decided not to, cos I really want the chest more than anything. And I won. So ummmm... yeah loot whore =( I just spent what I was willing to spend, not my fault no one wants to spend more, right? Right? *comforts self* LOOT WHORE!!!! =/ Lol.
Kill shot, and flock of GotN peeps covering Mag's head.


Doom Lord Kazzak steps on bear poo
I've never ever fought Kazzak in the old world. Only thing I knew about him was Cipher got his sweeeeeeet rogue mace from Kazzak, and was first on server to have it.... I think. Pretty simple fight if you have the DPS, and if people follow instructions (to use HS and pots). What I prefer to highlight is.... I MAIN TANKED KAZZAK!!!! ROAR!!!! Only bad thing about Kazzak was, as a bear I can't use any potions when he enrages. That means I rely solely on healers. We wiped 3 times I think, then finally got him. The funniest thing was.... when we got him, I frenzied regeneration right as he enraged, and used my Moroes Pocket Watch for the dodges. And miraculously I only got melee hit by him once, resisted 2-3 shadow volleys, and basically.... lived without seeing my health go below 50%. But I did see a lot of overhealing which I frankly don't mind. =D So I'm hap-pee! No kill shot cos I didn't know my guildies went and took a group photo =(
Now all I need is a group with 3 holy priests and 6 shadow priests to tank Nightbane.... +_+
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Picture post
Since I've got nothing much to blog about right now, and I don't intend to rant about this asshole PuG rogue I was in an instance with... here are some screen shot cuts for hecks! XD
Nothing feels better than winning 'big'

Curse these fat fingers!

I'm a camera whore IRL, and in WoW XD

Great help in decision making...

A long time ago... on a character far far away....
Nothing feels better than winning 'big'

Curse these fat fingers!

I'm a camera whore IRL, and in WoW XD

Great help in decision making...

A long time ago... on a character far far away....

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Loving the Pally
My Pally's now 67, only 3 more levels before I fully spec her to holy. I wonder how she would do when she's full holy because I've PuGed and main healed in instances like Slave Pens and Underbog when I'm half ret half holy and it worked out pretty sweet. I can't remember Slave Pens cos it was a while ago but last night I PuGed Underbog (while dragging Maldavo's rogueish ass along) and there were only 2 deaths in total. Not that I should be proud of it cos a death's a death.... but at least there were no wipes! Even with a bad pull included. And being able to tease Maldavo throghout the instance and after, it was fun >:)
I stand at +600 healing now thanks to all the green healing gears I've collected on my mains. Hope to get this up to +1000 ASAP once I hit level 70, and get Kara keyed. It's quite often I see PuG Kara groups looking for healers so this might be an opportunity for me to get some rep in there for the ring. Speaking of rings.... I better get my ass levelled and get into a Headless Horseman group for the epic ring before the event is over. I really want that ring it's like sooooo sweet! /drools
Once I'm done with my exams I'm going to get her to 70 by the end of this week.... Hopefully =D
I stand at +600 healing now thanks to all the green healing gears I've collected on my mains. Hope to get this up to +1000 ASAP once I hit level 70, and get Kara keyed. It's quite often I see PuG Kara groups looking for healers so this might be an opportunity for me to get some rep in there for the ring. Speaking of rings.... I better get my ass levelled and get into a Headless Horseman group for the epic ring before the event is over. I really want that ring it's like sooooo sweet! /drools
Once I'm done with my exams I'm going to get her to 70 by the end of this week.... Hopefully =D
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Tier 5 baby~!!!!!!
AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAAHAH~!!!!!!! I got my Tier 5 shoulders last night!!!!!!
Nordrassil Feral-Mantle
It's a teeny weeny minor upgrade for me actually.... bleh how I wish it was a better upgrade. I'm probably still going to use the T4 shoulders just because I get the 4-piece set bonus from it. I lose 1100 armor if I swap to T5 shoulders, but gain a little more agility, stamina and strength. I've already socketed the +18 stamina epic JC craft gem in it, and probably going with +4 agi / +4 hit for the yellow socket. That would mean I lose 50 health, but gain more aggro generating benefits. Really a tough call.... but I'm hoping once we down Magtheridon and if I get my T5 chest piece I can swap out my T4 shoulders with the T5 ones.
One thing about druid gear though.... it's all about the armor and the stats but nothing on defense. And truthfully that sucks balls. As it is right now I'm not meeting the 415 defense requirements, but I make do with resilience ratings thanks to my arena chest piece. But what happens when I swap it out for T4 chest? I'm hoping for the Illhoof cloak for that +defense but there's so much restriction to the T4 pieces. Am I supposed to socket +defense gems to cover up for the loss of defense? That will suck so bad because I'd rather socket +4 agi / +4 hit to yellow and red sockets, and +12 stamina ones to my blue sockets. I'd have socketed defense gems if only the darn T4 set would have +hit to it as well. I mean come on, if you're going to make it a feral set, make it a set where cats can use it too.
Right not cat form gear is similar to a rogue's gear, and with the new patch coming in to take away +20% strength and make it +10% attack power (feral talent: Heart of the Wild), T4 will be shitty for cats. And all the gear I have which has strength would be worthless cos now, attack power is better. Bullshit I tell you. I need to start recollecting rogue-ish gear like the cloak off Aran and the neck from Attumen. It's as though I'm not already having a hard time trying to get the shoulders off chess and the rings from Prince and Curator, and the chest from Nightbane. I'm honestly going to focus more on getting the cloak off Illhoof for now. I'm first and foremost a bear tank and if people want to give me shit about not doing good DPS in cat form, well go screw yourself. I'm never rolling on rogue items over a rogue because a rogue is the more superior energy-user-DPSer. My rogue in blues and greens could out-DPS a feral cat druid in about 75% kara epics. I'd rather be a lousy cat than to hurt raid DPS as a whole due to a rogue not getting an upgrade. Most of my cat gear are usually in my bag sitting there anyways cos I'm always needed to tank.
I rest my case =P
Nordrassil Feral-Mantle
It's a teeny weeny minor upgrade for me actually.... bleh how I wish it was a better upgrade. I'm probably still going to use the T4 shoulders just because I get the 4-piece set bonus from it. I lose 1100 armor if I swap to T5 shoulders, but gain a little more agility, stamina and strength. I've already socketed the +18 stamina epic JC craft gem in it, and probably going with +4 agi / +4 hit for the yellow socket. That would mean I lose 50 health, but gain more aggro generating benefits. Really a tough call.... but I'm hoping once we down Magtheridon and if I get my T5 chest piece I can swap out my T4 shoulders with the T5 ones.
One thing about druid gear though.... it's all about the armor and the stats but nothing on defense. And truthfully that sucks balls. As it is right now I'm not meeting the 415 defense requirements, but I make do with resilience ratings thanks to my arena chest piece. But what happens when I swap it out for T4 chest? I'm hoping for the Illhoof cloak for that +defense but there's so much restriction to the T4 pieces. Am I supposed to socket +defense gems to cover up for the loss of defense? That will suck so bad because I'd rather socket +4 agi / +4 hit to yellow and red sockets, and +12 stamina ones to my blue sockets. I'd have socketed defense gems if only the darn T4 set would have +hit to it as well. I mean come on, if you're going to make it a feral set, make it a set where cats can use it too.
Right not cat form gear is similar to a rogue's gear, and with the new patch coming in to take away +20% strength and make it +10% attack power (feral talent: Heart of the Wild), T4 will be shitty for cats. And all the gear I have which has strength would be worthless cos now, attack power is better. Bullshit I tell you. I need to start recollecting rogue-ish gear like the cloak off Aran and the neck from Attumen. It's as though I'm not already having a hard time trying to get the shoulders off chess and the rings from Prince and Curator, and the chest from Nightbane. I'm honestly going to focus more on getting the cloak off Illhoof for now. I'm first and foremost a bear tank and if people want to give me shit about not doing good DPS in cat form, well go screw yourself. I'm never rolling on rogue items over a rogue because a rogue is the more superior energy-user-DPSer. My rogue in blues and greens could out-DPS a feral cat druid in about 75% kara epics. I'd rather be a lousy cat than to hurt raid DPS as a whole due to a rogue not getting an upgrade. Most of my cat gear are usually in my bag sitting there anyways cos I'm always needed to tank.
I rest my case =P
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
New toys
Yay got new toys for Lase and Ladylase~!
A new sword for Ms Sword Spec'd Lase Merciless Gladiator's Slicer
And a new stick for Ms Crit Frenzy Ladylase Merciless Gladiator's War Staff
All I can say is..... I've never felt better for them in such a long time, especially Lase. Now no one can diss her main hand anymore!
A new sword for Ms Sword Spec'd Lase Merciless Gladiator's Slicer
And a new stick for Ms Crit Frenzy Ladylase Merciless Gladiator's War Staff
All I can say is..... I've never felt better for them in such a long time, especially Lase. Now no one can diss her main hand anymore!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Magtheridon says "Hi"
This is Magtheridon. He reminds me of Jabba the Hut mutated with Rancor and a Bantha.

This, is Magtheridon's ass.... something I want to kick.

And this... is Magtheridon's head on a stick. Something I'd like to do soon.

Ok so the guild attempted Magtheridon today. It was our first time there so we were learning. The trash was easy imho. I mean I've heard people say trash pull sucks and what not... I say it's cake. Could probably get them down in less than 30 minutes and spend lots of time attempting and learning him next week. From what I've experienced last night, here are some things to share with any readers who might want some insight on certain things that are happening when you engage the adds.
I posted this on my guild forums but this is a more generalized version for anyone still in the learning process of this raid too:
1) It's obvious a non-prot warrior can tank the Channelers just fine. A warrior in DPS gear, with sword + shield, and defensive stance only receives a crushing blow of 3k. So it won't hurt DPS later when all adds are dead since weapons are swappable during combat, and stances as well. This would probably work fine if there is a feral druid who is going to be DPS on Magtheridon. Get in cat DPS gear, but go bear form, maybe swap weapons to a tanking weapon if need be.
2) Burning Abyssals (ie infernals) seem hurt most with it's fire blasts which hits for an average of 2k, but I think healers can heal through this. What sucks is that healers and casters who are being hit by these infernals are getting their spells interrupted, which is no good. Since these infernals only deal an average of 700 melee damage, I'm assuming it's easy for (again) a non-prot warrior to grab as many of them as they can to stop them from raping the healers. I've had 2 on me from swipes and their hits are really sissy.
3) Once Magtheridon is released, he does not have an aggro list right away. It takes him about 2 seconds to get his aggro list out, and targets someone. Tank should usually be beside Magtheridon then, waiting to get aggro. It worked fine, I waited on him and aggroing him was not too hard thankfully.
5) That sonofabitch cleaves for 9k on me. So when the tank gets ready for Magtheridon to be released, designated healers would have to ignore the rest of the raid and focus on the MT. Kinda like imagine Gruuls on Growth #10. Cleave is very very bad, so tank has to tank him where the two channelers are dead, not where the whole raid is killing the 3rd channeler.

This, is Magtheridon's ass.... something I want to kick.

And this... is Magtheridon's head on a stick. Something I'd like to do soon.

Ok so the guild attempted Magtheridon today. It was our first time there so we were learning. The trash was easy imho. I mean I've heard people say trash pull sucks and what not... I say it's cake. Could probably get them down in less than 30 minutes and spend lots of time attempting and learning him next week. From what I've experienced last night, here are some things to share with any readers who might want some insight on certain things that are happening when you engage the adds.
I posted this on my guild forums but this is a more generalized version for anyone still in the learning process of this raid too:
1) It's obvious a non-prot warrior can tank the Channelers just fine. A warrior in DPS gear, with sword + shield, and defensive stance only receives a crushing blow of 3k. So it won't hurt DPS later when all adds are dead since weapons are swappable during combat, and stances as well. This would probably work fine if there is a feral druid who is going to be DPS on Magtheridon. Get in cat DPS gear, but go bear form, maybe swap weapons to a tanking weapon if need be.
2) Burning Abyssals (ie infernals) seem hurt most with it's fire blasts which hits for an average of 2k, but I think healers can heal through this. What sucks is that healers and casters who are being hit by these infernals are getting their spells interrupted, which is no good. Since these infernals only deal an average of 700 melee damage, I'm assuming it's easy for (again) a non-prot warrior to grab as many of them as they can to stop them from raping the healers. I've had 2 on me from swipes and their hits are really sissy.
3) Once Magtheridon is released, he does not have an aggro list right away. It takes him about 2 seconds to get his aggro list out, and targets someone. Tank should usually be beside Magtheridon then, waiting to get aggro. It worked fine, I waited on him and aggroing him was not too hard thankfully.
5) That sonofabitch cleaves for 9k on me. So when the tank gets ready for Magtheridon to be released, designated healers would have to ignore the rest of the raid and focus on the MT. Kinda like imagine Gruuls on Growth #10. Cleave is very very bad, so tank has to tank him where the two channelers are dead, not where the whole raid is killing the 3rd channeler.
The loot whore strikes back!
This week is another loot whoring week for me. =( I feel so bad sometimes =/
It was a good night for Team Noozy (combination of Team Noob and Crazy). We one shotted Aran with lots of people dead including yours truly. I learned that holding 3 adds while getting targetted by Aran sucks balls. Especially when he casts frostbolt cos I think that hurts A LOT! Anyways Fyofyo (Fyoren) got the nice cape from Aran (finally it dropped!) which Trinitylsin's been aiming for but let's hope it drops next week again :) Off to chess, and guess what? FINALLY!!!! Mithril Chain of Heroism dropped!!! I lost the roll to Serithia actually.... but he passed it to me XD
Off we head to Prince. Urgh... prince. Have I mentioned I hate how random the fight is based on luck? Well guess what? We were SURE AS HELL lucky last night!!!! No one needed to move from where they were standing, until the final infernal which landed on top of the ranged, but AFTER Prince died. So yeah basically it was smoooooooth. And a nice ring dropped which I'm aiming for in future runs when I'm not such a loot whore winning shit from other bosses. Netherspite was quite smooth too, and I was silently hoping hoping hoping the sword Vorcon wants does not drop because he'd be crushed (speaking of which, he owes me 10 bucks cos he bet with me it will drop XD ). But even if it did it was HIS FAULT! Cos I clearly sent him a PM asking if he wanted to take my spot for Netherspite since we could have Ersane OT him, but noooooo he had to be all hungry and went afk for food. In a way, it was a good thing because Cowl of Defiance dropped!!!!! And both rogues had that or better so.... MINE! Muahahahahaa.....
We did not one shot Illhoof sadly, took a 2nd attempt to bring him down but it was all good. I did get sacrificed 3 times! Come on! Lol.... Illhoof was dumb the 2nd attempt, he sacrificed Serithia, who bubbled out... then sacrificed Rondaris... who also bubbled out. Noob Illhoof XD He dropped the damn octopus staff again. What a tease! For 5 weeks he did not drop it and now twice in a row? Drop the damn cloak dammit! Pfft stupid Illhoof. Of course I would have been a loot whore and gotten the cloak since Dartmus already has it but still.... it's ok to be a loot whore with Illhoof, right? Right?
Off to the final boss we have left.... Nightbane. Nightbane was a BEE-ATCH! We took 5 tries to get him down, and 2 of the tries were at 4% and 10%! Like ZOMG FTW BBQ! Oh, and there was this one attempt (10% attempt) where Dart died and I tried to get aggro and after I did I actually resisted his fear!!!! AHAHAHAAHAAAHHAA!!!!! Yeah so he died and that lovely leather chest piece dropped for Trinitylsin! Wewt! It was really some sort of rogue-ish night for us XD Can't complain for sure!
So why is this a loot whore week for me when I only got 2 items? Well cos on Day 1 from Attumen through Curator I was on my hunter Phynn and I won the following:
Stalker's War Bands
Gloves of Dexterous Manipulation
Beastmaw Pauldrons
Loot whore indeed +_+
PS: Fyofyo is copyrighted to me, so is Shockie, Kippypoo and Mellinoob. Sadly can't copyright Ernst or Akira-sama =(
It was a good night for Team Noozy (combination of Team Noob and Crazy). We one shotted Aran with lots of people dead including yours truly. I learned that holding 3 adds while getting targetted by Aran sucks balls. Especially when he casts frostbolt cos I think that hurts A LOT! Anyways Fyofyo (Fyoren) got the nice cape from Aran (finally it dropped!) which Trinitylsin's been aiming for but let's hope it drops next week again :) Off to chess, and guess what? FINALLY!!!! Mithril Chain of Heroism dropped!!! I lost the roll to Serithia actually.... but he passed it to me XD
Off we head to Prince. Urgh... prince. Have I mentioned I hate how random the fight is based on luck? Well guess what? We were SURE AS HELL lucky last night!!!! No one needed to move from where they were standing, until the final infernal which landed on top of the ranged, but AFTER Prince died. So yeah basically it was smoooooooth. And a nice ring dropped which I'm aiming for in future runs when I'm not such a loot whore winning shit from other bosses. Netherspite was quite smooth too, and I was silently hoping hoping hoping the sword Vorcon wants does not drop because he'd be crushed (speaking of which, he owes me 10 bucks cos he bet with me it will drop XD ). But even if it did it was HIS FAULT! Cos I clearly sent him a PM asking if he wanted to take my spot for Netherspite since we could have Ersane OT him, but noooooo he had to be all hungry and went afk for food. In a way, it was a good thing because Cowl of Defiance dropped!!!!! And both rogues had that or better so.... MINE! Muahahahahaa.....
We did not one shot Illhoof sadly, took a 2nd attempt to bring him down but it was all good. I did get sacrificed 3 times! Come on! Lol.... Illhoof was dumb the 2nd attempt, he sacrificed Serithia, who bubbled out... then sacrificed Rondaris... who also bubbled out. Noob Illhoof XD He dropped the damn octopus staff again. What a tease! For 5 weeks he did not drop it and now twice in a row? Drop the damn cloak dammit! Pfft stupid Illhoof. Of course I would have been a loot whore and gotten the cloak since Dartmus already has it but still.... it's ok to be a loot whore with Illhoof, right? Right?
Off to the final boss we have left.... Nightbane. Nightbane was a BEE-ATCH! We took 5 tries to get him down, and 2 of the tries were at 4% and 10%! Like ZOMG FTW BBQ! Oh, and there was this one attempt (10% attempt) where Dart died and I tried to get aggro and after I did I actually resisted his fear!!!! AHAHAHAAHAAAHHAA!!!!! Yeah so he died and that lovely leather chest piece dropped for Trinitylsin! Wewt! It was really some sort of rogue-ish night for us XD Can't complain for sure!
So why is this a loot whore week for me when I only got 2 items? Well cos on Day 1 from Attumen through Curator I was on my hunter Phynn and I won the following:
Stalker's War Bands
Gloves of Dexterous Manipulation
Beastmaw Pauldrons
Loot whore indeed +_+
PS: Fyofyo is copyrighted to me, so is Shockie, Kippypoo and Mellinoob. Sadly can't copyright Ernst or Akira-sama =(
Monday, October 8, 2007
Have you ever received e-mails or read online or being told by a friend the article that was circulated about value of time? Something which goes like:
To learn the value of an hour, ask the person who missed his flight.
To learn the value of a minute, ask the person who failed his test.
To learn the value of a micro second, ask the person who ended up 2nd in a 100m sprint.
Well you get the picture, yes? Where am I going with this?
To learn the value of 5 seconds, ask the 25 GotN members who almost killed Void Reaver, only to wipe when he had 10000 health left. 5 seconds would really make a huge difference =(
To learn the value of an hour, ask the person who missed his flight.
To learn the value of a minute, ask the person who failed his test.
To learn the value of a micro second, ask the person who ended up 2nd in a 100m sprint.
Well you get the picture, yes? Where am I going with this?
To learn the value of 5 seconds, ask the 25 GotN members who almost killed Void Reaver, only to wipe when he had 10000 health left. 5 seconds would really make a huge difference =(
Thursday, October 4, 2007
ZOMG WTF Kara Batman
Today has got to be THE BEST kara loot day for me. First, I helped out Team Aggro on my rogue (almost brought my hunter but I assume I've not played her much to get used to raid dps output on her) and Emerald Ripper dropped. I'm a sword spec'd rogue, but since Madmatt has it already, I got it, and keeping it just in case I respec to dagger in the future. Although, I might actually use it as my off-hand, just because I don't have a good sword off-hand right now DPS or stat-wise. And checking damage meter with Asok after I need to leave for Team Crazy (and since Gaage came online - I was only filling in his spot till he comes online), I was 2nd in damage losing to Madmatt by 10k damage. =O I'm so happy about it, really.... happy.... /tear Why am I so emotional about it? Because usually I tend to feel like I'm a noob when I play my rogue, and that her damage sucks ass because she lacks gear. And mainly cos I've been looked down by a lot of rogue 'friends' in the past. I've always though I don't play my rogue as good as I could. So seeing me dish out damage like that makes me happy and even more motivated to get more gear and do more damage. I'm waiting to get the sword from Arena season 2 and that will really boost my DPS cos my mainhand is currently a generic level 70 sword 'of the bandit'
So then I switched to Stryphe to tank for Team Crazy. The start can be said to be pretty bad but that was because some zoned in through the side door while others through the front door. But we killed Curator easily (and the damn mage/hunter/lock T4 gloves dropped yet again - and everyone had it so it was greeded o.O ) but I got my first loot of the night! Forest Wind Shoulderpads. Thanks Aftershock for not wanting it! XD Head to Aran, and ZOMG! We actually killed Aran before he polymorphed the raid. Serious shit that was some AWESOME DPS! And that's after someone moved during flame wreath too! And all 3 healers died! But thankfully Serithia had a soulstone on him, Aftershock's self-resurrect was up and I battle resurected Mellisande. Verdict? Very very nice experience for the Aran fight. I can't remember what the loots were though :p
Off to chess event! As usual nothing much I can say for that, except I didn't get the cleric piece this time (I usually play the cleric cos I love the ranged DPS and heals). Took a pawn, played till it died, and then took a water elemental which was rather cool except the max mobs I had around me was only 2. Would have loved to have like 5 around me and see the damage done. :D Of course I'd die sooner too, probably. The shoulders and necklace I wanted didn't drop, but Trinitylsin got the leather belt and Aftershock (finally) got his mail leggings (which he later on so evil-ly ditched his loyal Earthsoul Leggings just cos it's leather). /pats the leggings
Chess is done, off to Prince! I.Hate.How.Random.This.Fight.Is. We were unlucky the first.... 3 tries I think. And we were pretty close in 2 attempts too! So finally we got him (with a lot of people dead thanks to stupid infernal placings) and guess what? I got my T4 helm!!!!!! ARGH!!!!! XD XD XD XD So happy!!!! Stag-Helm of Malorne mmmmmm sexy... so who cares if I look like a mutated deer wearing that! It's AWESOME! And my armor is now at 31k too! *drools* I love it so much!!!! I was literally shaking after winning the roll on that, not to mention screaming into my monitor like a wild monkey. Crazyvixen got the sweeeeeeet caster main hand too.
Off to Illhoof we go! As always I'm tanking Kilrek so I usually get into my DPS bear gear (so I can generate aggro, and kill Kilrek fast at the same time). DPS, again, was uber! Mellisande died of course, but no Illhoof fight is complete without the noob priest-who-keeps-forgetting-to put-his-stamina-gear-on dying. And..... Terestian's Stranglestaff dropped!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!!! Like ZOMG! +_+ I swear if I had a weak heart I'd have a heart attack already. So yeah only druid ftw! Mine! Muahahahhaa finally yay! Now Taloren can't tease me of my noob DPS :D
We had time to hit Nightbane, and we wiped on the first attempt cos Nightbane was a bastard who feared before Dartmus' cooldown (to be immune to fear) was still not up due to the previous fear. Bastard I tell you! I tried to tank him (zomg in dps gear without much armor but I had awesome heals) and I was praying so hard I don't get feared, or that I'd resist the fear... but I did not. =( So we wiped. 2nd attempt was smooth... beyond smooth. I almost died though because when he landed for the final time he went after Mellisande (healing aggro) and all I could think was "Hit it pull aggro off healer it doesn't matter if you die!" and that was what I did, I managed to hit it once to pull aggro, but not to hit anymore to let the tank get aggro (hopefully before I died). And zomg I was at like 3% health but I lived. The tank got hold of aggro and the thing running in my head was "Please Nightbane don't cleave don't blow fire don't kill meeeeeee" and I lived, went back to cat, and we pwned the sucker. I was silently hoping the druid healing chest doesn't drop because I really don't want to win anything else that night. Enough is enough! And yay it did not drop. Crazyvixen got a nice off-hand (to match the main hand from Prince!) while the healing necklace went to Aftershock. Oh, did I mention that the DPS was so uber we had time to spare after killing the skeletons (when he takes flight) and had to WAIT for him to land. Mmm.... uber.
It was truly a wonderful night, and it will surely help the guild in terms of progression and probably less stressed kills (like remember the VR kill 1 second after enrage?).
Now if only I could post a picture of myself with a HUGE ASS GRIN on my face. XD
So then I switched to Stryphe to tank for Team Crazy. The start can be said to be pretty bad but that was because some zoned in through the side door while others through the front door. But we killed Curator easily (and the damn mage/hunter/lock T4 gloves dropped yet again - and everyone had it so it was greeded o.O ) but I got my first loot of the night! Forest Wind Shoulderpads. Thanks Aftershock for not wanting it! XD Head to Aran, and ZOMG! We actually killed Aran before he polymorphed the raid. Serious shit that was some AWESOME DPS! And that's after someone moved during flame wreath too! And all 3 healers died! But thankfully Serithia had a soulstone on him, Aftershock's self-resurrect was up and I battle resurected Mellisande. Verdict? Very very nice experience for the Aran fight. I can't remember what the loots were though :p
Off to chess event! As usual nothing much I can say for that, except I didn't get the cleric piece this time (I usually play the cleric cos I love the ranged DPS and heals). Took a pawn, played till it died, and then took a water elemental which was rather cool except the max mobs I had around me was only 2. Would have loved to have like 5 around me and see the damage done. :D Of course I'd die sooner too, probably. The shoulders and necklace I wanted didn't drop, but Trinitylsin got the leather belt and Aftershock (finally) got his mail leggings (which he later on so evil-ly ditched his loyal Earthsoul Leggings just cos it's leather). /pats the leggings
Chess is done, off to Prince! I.Hate.How.Random.This.Fight.Is. We were unlucky the first.... 3 tries I think. And we were pretty close in 2 attempts too! So finally we got him (with a lot of people dead thanks to stupid infernal placings) and guess what? I got my T4 helm!!!!!! ARGH!!!!! XD XD XD XD So happy!!!! Stag-Helm of Malorne mmmmmm sexy... so who cares if I look like a mutated deer wearing that! It's AWESOME! And my armor is now at 31k too! *drools* I love it so much!!!! I was literally shaking after winning the roll on that, not to mention screaming into my monitor like a wild monkey. Crazyvixen got the sweeeeeeet caster main hand too.
Off to Illhoof we go! As always I'm tanking Kilrek so I usually get into my DPS bear gear (so I can generate aggro, and kill Kilrek fast at the same time). DPS, again, was uber! Mellisande died of course, but no Illhoof fight is complete without the noob priest-who-keeps-forgetting-to put-his-stamina-gear-on dying. And..... Terestian's Stranglestaff dropped!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!!! Like ZOMG! +_+ I swear if I had a weak heart I'd have a heart attack already. So yeah only druid ftw! Mine! Muahahahhaa finally yay! Now Taloren can't tease me of my noob DPS :D
We had time to hit Nightbane, and we wiped on the first attempt cos Nightbane was a bastard who feared before Dartmus' cooldown (to be immune to fear) was still not up due to the previous fear. Bastard I tell you! I tried to tank him (zomg in dps gear without much armor but I had awesome heals) and I was praying so hard I don't get feared, or that I'd resist the fear... but I did not. =( So we wiped. 2nd attempt was smooth... beyond smooth. I almost died though because when he landed for the final time he went after Mellisande (healing aggro) and all I could think was "Hit it pull aggro off healer it doesn't matter if you die!" and that was what I did, I managed to hit it once to pull aggro, but not to hit anymore to let the tank get aggro (hopefully before I died). And zomg I was at like 3% health but I lived. The tank got hold of aggro and the thing running in my head was "Please Nightbane don't cleave don't blow fire don't kill meeeeeee" and I lived, went back to cat, and we pwned the sucker. I was silently hoping the druid healing chest doesn't drop because I really don't want to win anything else that night. Enough is enough! And yay it did not drop. Crazyvixen got a nice off-hand (to match the main hand from Prince!) while the healing necklace went to Aftershock. Oh, did I mention that the DPS was so uber we had time to spare after killing the skeletons (when he takes flight) and had to WAIT for him to land. Mmm.... uber.
It was truly a wonderful night, and it will surely help the guild in terms of progression and probably less stressed kills (like remember the VR kill 1 second after enrage?).
Now if only I could post a picture of myself with a HUGE ASS GRIN on my face. XD
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Team Aggro overthrown the Prince
First kill by Team Aggro. And I'm glad to be a part of it, what more to main tank it. We did take 3 tries to get him down. But with people who has never done it to people who has done the fight but not successful, to people who has seen him die, no matter which people may fall into, everyone ROCKED the house! Healers were awesome, DPS was so good, tank was a little noob but did ok. =P
We gave Nightbane some shots but only got him to a best of 70%, mainly cos the tank was a noob with blues. Crushing hits me for 6.5k-7k so that hurts bad. But still, good learning experience for me, and for everyone. And ZOMG stance dance sucks ass! >_<
First kill by Team Aggro. And I'm glad to be a part of it, what more to main tank it. We did take 3 tries to get him down. But with people who has never done it to people who has done the fight but not successful, to people who has seen him die, no matter which people may fall into, everyone ROCKED the house! Healers were awesome, DPS was so good, tank was a little noob but did ok. =P
We gave Nightbane some shots but only got him to a best of 70%, mainly cos the tank was a noob with blues. Crushing hits me for 6.5k-7k so that hurts bad. But still, good learning experience for me, and for everyone. And ZOMG stance dance sucks ass! >_<
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Void Reaver who?
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Tempest Keep is kinda cool....
But ZOMG! The instance pulls are crazy. Like what? 7 mob pulls? 8? 9? I freaking don't know! All I know is... a lot! But the instance was... kinda fun. We did it slowly cos we were really still learning a lot of things but it was really fun. Got to see Al'ar and Void Reaver but didn't get any attempt on them cos the night grew very late for people.
Overall, I'm super happy with this guild, happier than I've ever been. XD I just regret not joining sooner. =/
Overall, I'm super happy with this guild, happier than I've ever been. XD I just regret not joining sooner. =/
Monday, August 20, 2007
Bye Bye Dragonkiller
Gruul down! Grats to my guildies~!!!!
On a side note, my playtime will not drastically reduce cos my exam results came out, and I failed 2 papers. =(
On a side note, my playtime will not drastically reduce cos my exam results came out, and I failed 2 papers. =(
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Bye bye BEM~!
I finally got my [Recipe: Major Holy Protection Potion] to drop!!!! AHAAHHAHAAHAAAAA!!!!!! Finally after a total of 12 hours of farming there I finally got it! And now I have only 1 more non-instance BoP alchemy recipe drops to aim for, while the rest are in Mana Tombs, Mechanar and Durnholde Keep. Meh, I dunno if I'll ever get them.
And since we're talking about recipes here.... I got a freaking epic tailoring pattern from Botanica final boss!!!! [Pattern: Whitemend Hood] I was sooooo happy, words could not describe when I won the roll against Madokachan. Damn damn damn damn damn happy XD This will be crafted for my Shaman when she hits 70 XD Who cares if shamans can wear mail and this is cloth. Pfft is all I have to say :p
And since we're talking about recipes here.... I got a freaking epic tailoring pattern from Botanica final boss!!!! [Pattern: Whitemend Hood] I was sooooo happy, words could not describe when I won the roll against Madokachan. Damn damn damn damn damn happy XD This will be crafted for my Shaman when she hits 70 XD Who cares if shamans can wear mail and this is cloth. Pfft is all I have to say :p
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Back in guild
^_^ I got myself guilded and I think I'm going to like it here. Two of my best friends are in there anyways and the people are so nice. I've only guilded Stryphe and Ladylase though. I'm guessing Stryphe would now be my main in guild, since they have lots of mages and my rogue's gear kinda sucks lol.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
New gem cut
Sovereign Nightseye (+4 Strength and +6 Stamina) updated on Lase's WoW Profs.
After so very long not getting any new gem cuts, this recipe dropped in Arcatraz and I won the greed roll. WEWT!!!!! XD
After so very long not getting any new gem cuts, this recipe dropped in Arcatraz and I won the greed roll. WEWT!!!!! XD
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
After like.... 26 Heroic Underbog runs (as a tank/off-healer - on Stryphe), Cassock of the Loyal finally dropped for Celiane my pally friend. And finally I can say bye bye to Heroic Underbog~! Wewt~!
Although.... I did get some nice items on my druid in there...
Greatstaff of the Leviathan
Idol of Ursoc
Dunewind Sash
Crown of the Forest Lord
Barkchip Boots
And the best part is.... the last 4 items I got in a single run lol. One from each boss XD And I love the crown to bits because it looks like a deer's antlers. Uber awesome XD
Although.... I did get some nice items on my druid in there...
Greatstaff of the Leviathan
Idol of Ursoc
Dunewind Sash
Crown of the Forest Lord
Barkchip Boots
And the best part is.... the last 4 items I got in a single run lol. One from each boss XD And I love the crown to bits because it looks like a deer's antlers. Uber awesome XD
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Another photo blog!!!
Photobucket was not being an ass today so it loaded fast and here are some piccies to share ;)

Granted, the damage was not uber or anything but the number's cool. Hehehe I tend to take screenshots at nice numbers in my combat log =)
Strong hands!

Who needs bodybuilding when you're a gnome! Lol. So this is how a gnome will look like with Thunderfury... It's weird how almost every other item resizes to fit a gnome but swords tend to remain as long as ever. I have another picture with a really huge sword I was using on my mage. It's a miracle I don't tumble over when I run.
Good? Bad?

Cool picture to see a 9 stack in Comburstion. But at the same time it's sad cos that means after 8 fire casts, I've not crit more than twice. =/ Pretty sad but this was a long time ago when my mage was... well not really taken care of gear-wise ;) Right now my crit's at 36% I sometimes use up Comburstion in the first 3 casts XD
Photobucket was not being an ass today so it loaded fast and here are some piccies to share ;)

Granted, the damage was not uber or anything but the number's cool. Hehehe I tend to take screenshots at nice numbers in my combat log =)
Strong hands!

Who needs bodybuilding when you're a gnome! Lol. So this is how a gnome will look like with Thunderfury... It's weird how almost every other item resizes to fit a gnome but swords tend to remain as long as ever. I have another picture with a really huge sword I was using on my mage. It's a miracle I don't tumble over when I run.
Good? Bad?

Cool picture to see a 9 stack in Comburstion. But at the same time it's sad cos that means after 8 fire casts, I've not crit more than twice. =/ Pretty sad but this was a long time ago when my mage was... well not really taken care of gear-wise ;) Right now my crit's at 36% I sometimes use up Comburstion in the first 3 casts XD
Monday, July 23, 2007
Bubbles ftw~!
I love paladin bubbles cos you can just jump down from Aldor Rise or Scryer Tier or just anywhere and bubble before you land... and then you'll land unhurt XD Who needs safe fall from rogues or druid cat form when you have bubble!
Although it weirds me out sometimes the difference between Blessing of Protection and Divine Protection. Both works well for when you fall. I personally prefer BoP cos DP prevents spell damage too ^_^ You know, just in case I need to bubble + bandage XD Love this.... Especially when fighting multiple mobs hehehe... one way to heal yourself.
Although it weirds me out sometimes the difference between Blessing of Protection and Divine Protection. Both works well for when you fall. I personally prefer BoP cos DP prevents spell damage too ^_^ You know, just in case I need to bubble + bandage XD Love this.... Especially when fighting multiple mobs hehehe... one way to heal yourself.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Yet another update on Abyssal Flamebringer
The mobs are now lootable. Not sure when they fixed it, but instead of just a flat round circle on the ground representing their corpse, there are like red rocks kinda thing too so it's definitely lootable. But yet.... after killing about 70-80 of them for more than 1 hour, my alchemy recipe still didn't drop. And this is why Blizzard sucks so much lol. I didn't have this much trouble with my jewelcrafting recipes but alchemy recipes are just a PAIN!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Photo Blog Post~!
Random pictures I took during my 2 years of playing WoW... and this is the first of many many more to come.

ZOMG! Stupid cow. <_<

Ok ok, I didn't solo those quests. I had my brother help me get them done. =P

The cutest thing EVAH!!!! And yeah, that's basically my mount too. And my food when I crave for bacon. =P

ZOMG! Stupid cow. <_<

Ok ok, I didn't solo those quests. I had my brother help me get them done. =P

The cutest thing EVAH!!!! And yeah, that's basically my mount too. And my food when I crave for bacon. =P
Friday, July 6, 2007
Spirit Shards & Update on Abyssal Flamebringers
Spirit Shards
Do take note that [Spirit Shards] will not appear as a loot for you if you die when the boss is killed. I'm not sure whether this is a bug or if they will be fixing it soon but it has happened to me twice now, both in Shadow Labs. Can't be certain for the rest of the Auchidoun instances but to be safe, try to stay alive when the boss goes down. I've lost 6 spirit shards on my mage to date, and I'm opened a ticket to the GM once but they consider this a loot issue which their reply to me was "the loot cannot be restored".
Abyssal Flamebringers
The e-mail received from the GM stated that this is a loot issue and "we're sorry but the loot cannot be restored". I mentioned this to my brother and he said that for bugs, I should not be reporting/opening a ticket to the GM but instead there is a proper way to report for bugs. Hehehe... I didn't know that =P
PS: Next post will be some random pictures with comments ^_^
Do take note that [Spirit Shards] will not appear as a loot for you if you die when the boss is killed. I'm not sure whether this is a bug or if they will be fixing it soon but it has happened to me twice now, both in Shadow Labs. Can't be certain for the rest of the Auchidoun instances but to be safe, try to stay alive when the boss goes down. I've lost 6 spirit shards on my mage to date, and I'm opened a ticket to the GM once but they consider this a loot issue which their reply to me was "the loot cannot be restored".
Abyssal Flamebringers
The e-mail received from the GM stated that this is a loot issue and "we're sorry but the loot cannot be restored". I mentioned this to my brother and he said that for bugs, I should not be reporting/opening a ticket to the GM but instead there is a proper way to report for bugs. Hehehe... I didn't know that =P
PS: Next post will be some random pictures with comments ^_^
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Unlootable mobs
Do take note: The mob in Blade's Edge Mountains (South-West) named Abyssal Flamebringer cannot be looted once their body sets. After they die, they basically take like 0.5 seconds to do a dramatic-hand-in-the-air death before they shizzle and plop on the ground and only during this time can you loot the corpse. Click on it fast when it dies before it shizzles into a black patch on the ground. If you get the 'rare' death scene (I notice this happens when you kill it with a big bang, like crit or something), then there is no way for you to click on it as it just explodes and you're left with the black patch. You can see the sparklies on the black patch, but somehow it's not lootable. You can still target them using "/tar Abyssal" for example, but I tried /loot and well... that's not the command for looting a corpse rofl.
Having said that, it'll be sad for those who are killing them from a far range cos well... you'll either need to get near before it dies, or risk not getting any loot. I farmed them on my rogue (for a BOP alchemy recipe) and sadly, I died 3 times in the span of 50 minutes because I was trying to loot them even when I had an extra mob on me (cos I don't want to lose the loot) and did not vanish in time. So it really sucks. I've reported this to the GM but they didn't manage to reply me before I had to log off, so I'll need to wait for my brother to checks his e-mail and get back to me on their reply. I hope they fix this soon.
Also take note that this is the same case for the Gargantuan Abyssals in The Arcatraz (since they are basically the same mob-graphic-thingie).
I'll update more when I find out about the reply from the GM, or if they fix it in any patch. =)
Having said that, it'll be sad for those who are killing them from a far range cos well... you'll either need to get near before it dies, or risk not getting any loot. I farmed them on my rogue (for a BOP alchemy recipe) and sadly, I died 3 times in the span of 50 minutes because I was trying to loot them even when I had an extra mob on me (cos I don't want to lose the loot) and did not vanish in time. So it really sucks. I've reported this to the GM but they didn't manage to reply me before I had to log off, so I'll need to wait for my brother to checks his e-mail and get back to me on their reply. I hope they fix this soon.
Also take note that this is the same case for the Gargantuan Abyssals in The Arcatraz (since they are basically the same mob-graphic-thingie).
I'll update more when I find out about the reply from the GM, or if they fix it in any patch. =)
Friday, June 22, 2007
Unscheduled downtime (Arena issues)
That's 2 hours of downtime, starting from now... apparently to fix some Arena hu-ha (which I don't really care cos I've only participated once before Season 2).
But speaking of Arena... Look at what I plan to get in about a month's time:
OMG oh-so-droolable!!! Not to mention I am a crit-crazy-mage and this would be helpful to get me much much closer to my 40% crit target (currently at 35.71%)! Slap on the shoulder enchant from Scryer honored (+13 crit rating).... /drools
I doubt my druid or rogue's gonna be getting any Arena upgrades as of yet cos they cost too much arena points. So I'm saving them up and hopefully, one day get a really cool item like that one MH sword with 90+ dps... mmmmmm....
And also, getting my hunter to level 70 ASAP so maybe I can do some arena with a friend :) Hunters kinda rock for arenas... or at least I think so. I'm already too biased about how uber (well played) hunters are. Maybe one day I'll brag about some stuff I did on my hunter which I found to be rather.... uber!
But speaking of Arena... Look at what I plan to get in about a month's time:
Gladiator's Silk Amice
155 Armor
+42 Stamina
+13 Intellect
Blue Socket
Yellow Socket
Socket Bonus: +3 Resilience
Equip: Improves spell critical strike rating by 13
Equip: Improves your resilience rating by 21 (0.5%).
Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to
OMG oh-so-droolable!!! Not to mention I am a crit-crazy-mage and this would be helpful to get me much much closer to my 40% crit target (currently at 35.71%)! Slap on the shoulder enchant from Scryer honored (+13 crit rating).... /drools
I doubt my druid or rogue's gonna be getting any Arena upgrades as of yet cos they cost too much arena points. So I'm saving them up and hopefully, one day get a really cool item like that one MH sword with 90+ dps... mmmmmm....
And also, getting my hunter to level 70 ASAP so maybe I can do some arena with a friend :) Hunters kinda rock for arenas... or at least I think so. I'm already too biased about how uber (well played) hunters are. Maybe one day I'll brag about some stuff I did on my hunter which I found to be rather.... uber!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Patch 2.1.2 is out
Unfortunately at the time of this post, the url has not been updated. And since I can't copy + paste the one from Blizzard Updater, and cos I'm not sure how accurate the PTR notes are (too lazy to compare them), I'll just comment on some things I feel like commenting =P
About freaking time! God how stressful it was having to run away from two of them, instead of one. And yes, I don't stay and fight cos they hit hard! I just mana shield and run away and blink and mana shield and mana shield and more mana shield till I leave combat =D
Heh... I guess no more easy 2nd boss Mechanar herioc kill now. Wonder if groups would still keep trying to kill her for that one badge?
Unfortunately at the time of this post, the url has not been updated. And since I can't copy + paste the one from Blizzard Updater, and cos I'm not sure how accurate the PTR notes are (too lazy to compare them), I'll just comment on some things I feel like commenting =P
Arena and Honor Rewards: As part of the inauguration of Season 2, the costs of all Arena items and Honor items has been reduced.Wewt!!!! Now I'm really buffed up to get more PVP/arena rewards for more uberness on my characters :D Still, the thought of running AB another 100 times on my druid does suck =/
Spellcloth: Creating spellcloth will once again only summon one Angered Nether-wraith.
About freaking time! God how stressful it was having to run away from two of them, instead of one. And yes, I don't stay and fight cos they hit hard! I just mana shield and run away and blink and mana shield and mana shield and more mana shield till I leave combat =D
Druids in Swift Flight form can no longer loot herb nodes.If they wanna nerf this, they should nerf druids herbing in travel form or normal flight form, no? Not that I bother since I need to be in human form to mine ore nodes. So does it affect skinning as well?
Sword Specialization: The change to Sword Specialization making its extra attacks appear in yellow has been reverted. Extra attacks will appear in white and act like any auto-attack. They will no longer reset the swing time of your weapon.Damn you Blizzard!!!! Why? Why? Why? I know you hated Lase since a year ago but WWWHHHHYYYYY?????!!!! Sigh.... and people ask me why I don't play on my rogue as often.
Sethekk Heroic Mode: Anzu, the Raven God may no longer be pulled far away from the location where he is summoned.That'll teach me to complete my druid swift flight form quest sooner. Serves me right.
Sethekk Heroic Mode: The quantity and health of Minions of Anzu that spawn have been reduced.Well at least Blizzard has SOME compassion.
Mechanar: Nethermancer Sepethrea's Raging Flames should now periodically change their targets in Heroic mode.
Heh... I guess no more easy 2nd boss Mechanar herioc kill now. Wonder if groups would still keep trying to kill her for that one badge?
- I did not comment on classes besides Rogues, Druids and Mages (nothing to comment anyways) because I do not play those classes besides occassionally on my alts.
- All patch notes have been copied and pasted from PTR notes with brief comparison on accuracy to the Blizzard Updater.
- WoW is still owned by Blizzard till I win a HUGE lottery to buy over them. ROFL
Monday, June 18, 2007
Hunter quest
So there I was on my alt hunter doing the stewpeed hunter quest in Azshara. If you think the drop rates from the 'deers' suck, wait till you do the next part involving Wavetrashers. Oh god do they suck. I was killing Greater Wavetrashers and after killing like 15 of them, I only have 2 scales. Looked into Thottbot and found out there are Young Wavetrashers and Wavetrashers on the northern shore. So I headed there and finally got my quest done. I do notice the scales drop more frequently on the lower level wavetrashers which does not make sense, unless these beasts shed their scales when they grow older. And did I mention the total spawns for these mobs are just sad? I think there are fewer than 20 spawn points in total for them all (young, normal and greater) and having rather sucky drop rates for the scales does not help too. Blizzard needs to do something about this.... imagine if 5 hunters were on that same quest! OMG havoc!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
WEWT new blog
This will be all about World of Warcraft, better known as WoW. If you're not a WoW fan or know nothing about the game, you might not fit in, though you can try. I'm an evil mean person in WoW, teasing people all the time and being a bitch, so I'm not going to be any different here cos... well this is about WoW... DUH!
What to expect in this blog?
- In-game screenshots. May be funny, may be braggy, whatever works
- Comments and rambles about classes/professions maybe? And bitching about Blizzard?
- Updates on my characters' development, if any
- Tips on how to farm gold? Maybe =P
- Random WoW stuff
How often do I update this blog?
Well seeing how I play WoW all the time, probably not as much as I should but every Tuesday is maintenance day so maybe... once a week? Hehehe...
Can I contact you in game?
If you're playing on Whisperwind, sure! Just go ahead and add my frequently played characters to your friendslist or just do a /who for these names: Lase, Ladylase, Stryphe
Well, that's all for now, comments and queries are most welcome. Who knows, I might even create a whole post to answer your question ;)
What to expect in this blog?
- In-game screenshots. May be funny, may be braggy, whatever works
- Comments and rambles about classes/professions maybe? And bitching about Blizzard?
- Updates on my characters' development, if any
- Tips on how to farm gold? Maybe =P
- Random WoW stuff
How often do I update this blog?
Well seeing how I play WoW all the time, probably not as much as I should but every Tuesday is maintenance day so maybe... once a week? Hehehe...
Can I contact you in game?
If you're playing on Whisperwind, sure! Just go ahead and add my frequently played characters to your friendslist or just do a /who for these names: Lase, Ladylase, Stryphe
Well, that's all for now, comments and queries are most welcome. Who knows, I might even create a whole post to answer your question ;)
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