Monday, July 23, 2007

Bubbles ftw~!

I love paladin bubbles cos you can just jump down from Aldor Rise or Scryer Tier or just anywhere and bubble before you land... and then you'll land unhurt XD Who needs safe fall from rogues or druid cat form when you have bubble!

Although it weirds me out sometimes the difference between Blessing of Protection and Divine Protection. Both works well for when you fall. I personally prefer BoP cos DP prevents spell damage too ^_^ You know, just in case I need to bubble + bandage XD Love this.... Especially when fighting multiple mobs hehehe... one way to heal yourself.


Anonymous said...

this nite I got dream about you..


kinda like a love story, but has a sad ending.. sort like a rejection with someone else then, I have to come finding you one..

eh, I in the dream see you drink when feels sad? drink the mabuk2 one la.. which I ment.. but donno if true?

I was writing in a thread about life and such, it just getting a bit interesting, come visit.

Link: maayas

Gomen ne, I didnt mean to disturb ke apa..

Anonymous said...


I don't drink =)