Saturday, October 20, 2007

Tier 5 baby~!!!!!!

AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAAHAH~!!!!!!! I got my Tier 5 shoulders last night!!!!!!

Nordrassil Feral-Mantle

It's a teeny weeny minor upgrade for me actually.... bleh how I wish it was a better upgrade. I'm probably still going to use the T4 shoulders just because I get the 4-piece set bonus from it. I lose 1100 armor if I swap to T5 shoulders, but gain a little more agility, stamina and strength. I've already socketed the +18 stamina epic JC craft gem in it, and probably going with +4 agi / +4 hit for the yellow socket. That would mean I lose 50 health, but gain more aggro generating benefits. Really a tough call.... but I'm hoping once we down Magtheridon and if I get my T5 chest piece I can swap out my T4 shoulders with the T5 ones.

One thing about druid gear though.... it's all about the armor and the stats but nothing on defense. And truthfully that sucks balls. As it is right now I'm not meeting the 415 defense requirements, but I make do with resilience ratings thanks to my arena chest piece. But what happens when I swap it out for T4 chest? I'm hoping for the Illhoof cloak for that +defense but there's so much restriction to the T4 pieces. Am I supposed to socket +defense gems to cover up for the loss of defense? That will suck so bad because I'd rather socket +4 agi / +4 hit to yellow and red sockets, and +12 stamina ones to my blue sockets. I'd have socketed defense gems if only the darn T4 set would have +hit to it as well. I mean come on, if you're going to make it a feral set, make it a set where cats can use it too.

Right not cat form gear is similar to a rogue's gear, and with the new patch coming in to take away +20% strength and make it +10% attack power (feral talent: Heart of the Wild), T4 will be shitty for cats. And all the gear I have which has strength would be worthless cos now, attack power is better. Bullshit I tell you. I need to start recollecting rogue-ish gear like the cloak off Aran and the neck from Attumen. It's as though I'm not already having a hard time trying to get the shoulders off chess and the rings from Prince and Curator, and the chest from Nightbane. I'm honestly going to focus more on getting the cloak off Illhoof for now. I'm first and foremost a bear tank and if people want to give me shit about not doing good DPS in cat form, well go screw yourself. I'm never rolling on rogue items over a rogue because a rogue is the more superior energy-user-DPSer. My rogue in blues and greens could out-DPS a feral cat druid in about 75% kara epics. I'd rather be a lousy cat than to hurt raid DPS as a whole due to a rogue not getting an upgrade. Most of my cat gear are usually in my bag sitting there anyways cos I'm always needed to tank.

I rest my case =P


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