Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It's been a while since I posted :p

I was (believe it or not) slightly busy IRL due to exams. That, and there's nothing much happening in my WoW life.... or so I think. :p

Of course my guild finally fried that slimy fish Lurker from SSC, and hopefully kick some giant's (Morogrim) ass soon too. But with Christmas around the corner we're taking a small break from raids and stuff. Sad part is after Christmas my raid time will reduce by quite a lot thanks to job hunting (or even starting work!). I'm just thankful our learning nights are on Friday nights (server) so I should probably be able to attend 90% of the time.

On a side note about my druid... with self buffs she has 14k health and 44% dodge! Like ZOMG! And that's without jeopardizing much of my 75% physical damage reduction cap! I'm at like 79.42% with the new combination of gear. I'm like super happy right now :D I'm thinking about getting the +15 agi to gloves enchant instead of my +15 strength enchant for more dodge (vs more threat) but I'm still iffy on it. And the best part is I don't need to PVP for the Vindicator boots cos of the almost capped physical damage reduction. I might spend 20 badges to get the idol from badge rewards which gives every mangle a chance to gain 65 agility or something similar. According to Iwamori it procs about 80% of the time so I might try it out. As of now, I really have no idea how I can better my tanking gear on my druid. I 'think' I got everything I can possibly have in terms of tanking at where we stand in terms of progression. I probably need to research if losing the 1400 armor from T4 bonus is worth the trade for S3 items (which gives more stamina) but I'd also lose the base armor from trading T4 with S3 armor (S3 has less base armor but more stamina). Tough call. And I'm not going to resocket my gems to +12 stamina gems either cos I kinda need the +hit for threat generation I think. Hmmm... Need to check on that too... would be nice to have 15k self buffed health I guess. =/ Headache! I'll stop thinking here :p But if you have comments and/or suggestion on how to better my tanking gear do tell! I'm open to suggestions!

My current gear (from the top of my head which I can remember):
Helm - T4
Neck - Maiden
Shoulders - T5
Back - 2.3 badge reward
Chest - T4
Bracers - Vindicator PVP
Gloves - T4
Belt - 2.3 badge reward
Leggings - T4
Boots - Lurker (lots of stam and agi! and I actually bid on it for fun not thinking it'll help in tanking)
Rings - Violet Signet & Mag head reward
Trinkets - Dawnstone Crab & Moroes Pocket Watch

Now that I wrote that down, I probably could work on getting a different trinket but that would also mean either I lose 32 defense from the crab, or my 'oh shit' button (the pocket watch - increases my dodge by a lot, not to mention it has huge dodge ratings on it to begin with). I wish I could equip 4 trinkets right now :p

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