Sunday, November 25, 2007

Pally loving



Seriously whoever said Paladin healers are boring.... that means you Celiane.... you're totally WRONG! Damn I love my paladin so much. I healed Kara with Team Aggro earlier this week cos Tamon was not available, and I healed heroic ramparts the other night too with Asok, Amavane, Madmatt and Tman (on his hunter) in the quest to get a primal nether for Tman's hunter. Granted, most of them are so well geared that probably that's the reason why healing is made easier for me. But I'm happy :D I don't know why but I've always loved healing ^_^ After that I had to say farewell cos I was needed in Zul'Aman so I couldn't join them in heroic botanica. Sigh.... oh well. Good learning experience in Zul'Aman... I don't really enjoy the place that much though I prefer Karazhan a lot more.

Loving my paladin so much, and seeing how well I pew pew on my shaman got me wondering if I want to go resto on my shaman. My other option is to stay elemental and to make a priest who will be my holy priest. =/ This is so hard to decide. I think I would prefer a priest more than a shaman now that I look at the mechanics of healing but priest has close to zero survivability, unlike paladins. Did I mention I love pally healing? They so freaking rock ok? Bubble, hammer of justice, lots of shit! LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!

Don't hesitate to look up for Clydoss if ya need some healz :D Chances are I'd take the offer if I'm not already busy in another instance (or have RL issues to attend to).

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